Just when you thought it was safe to eat mango......

Last night we had the disturbing experience of cutting open a mango that we had been eating (and enjoying) to find a large hard beetle like animal crawl out, with lots of small black eggs behind it......

Horror, repulsion and shock were among the first reactions....

Of course, we had to google....
this is what we discovered...

The insect pest inside the mangoes is the mango nut weevil or stone weevil, ‘Sternochetus Mangiferae’. The young one or grubs as soon as they hatch out from the eggs tunnel in a zig zag manner through the pulp, endocarp and the seed coat and finally reach the cotyledons. As the fruit develops, the tunnel gets closed. The grub feeds on the cotyledons and destroys them. The adult emerges from the pupae also and feeds on the developing seed and this may hasten the maturity of infested fruits. The adult emerges from the pupae also and feeds on the developing seed and this may hasten the maturity of infested fruits. The adults hibernate in between the crevices on the tree trunks. The weevil attacks only mangoes. The dark brownish stout weevil measures about 6mm long. The female scoops out the surface of the developingfruit and deposits the egg singly. On a fruit 12 to 36 eggs may be deposited. The fluid that oozes from the fruit covers the eggs. The incubation period is 7 days. The grub is apodous, fleshly, light yellow with a dark head and pupates inside the nut itself. It emerges as an adult in 7 days. The total life cycle from eggs to adult is 50.


I actually gagged sitting here reading that! ewww!
Anonymous said…
I don't want to hear any more of these horror stories!

How to handle a mango could be a required text for novices.

Jomster said…
Got here googling this horror story when i had my first experience. At first i thought it was just some piece of the seed that went bad, but then the darn thing started walking across the countertop. Is it okay to eat the mango after cutting off the visibly infested portion. It feels criminal to waste such a nice looking mango?

On second thought maybe ill just stick to some processed junk food.
Ruchi said…
same thing happened with me..please tell is it safe if by chance you eat black eggs thinking its just the rotten seed.
Unknown said…
This just happened to me! I noticed the tunnel and made sure I ate around it, then I sat around and waited for something to crawl out. My guess was that either a moth or a beetle grub made the tunnel.

After a few minutes this cute little weevil emerged :)
Anonymous said…
is the mango okay to eat if you cut it off?
nothing came out of my mango but it did have black on the seed and i already ate some after cutting off the black parts....