"Where's that in the notes?" by 'Pasta' David

Approaches to education are always a challenge. Here in Tz there's an expectation among many that classroom/lecture style is the only legitimate way to do things. If I would tell a related story or analogy and it's not "in the notes", I'd be stopped and asked where we're up to. Can you imagine the challenge that that poses for a non-linear thinker like myself?
Thankfully there are many that enjoy "story", after all it's African to the core. "Narrative theology" is so rich, and draws its richness from non-Western sources. Give me the saunter with a few friends any day over the classroom, the lazy cup of chai, a drive with a couple of hitch-hiking cops... applying Truth Himself to real-life, immediate situations, and watching what He does. Very cool!
I could tell you lots of stories about people, but I think I'll let them do that themselves... all in good time.

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