From Justine- Impressions of Australia “I Love A Sunburned Country…”

Traveling from London, England to Sydney, Australia was definitely not an enjoyable adventure to say the least. Twenty-two hours and forty minutes of sitting in one seat was not exactly stimulating. Arriving in Australia was so refreshing. I sometimes describe returning to Australia like returning to a church that is your home and you know and love. It just feels ‘right’. After 6 and a half years of being the “foreigner” I was happy to finally be able to fit in….only to be told that I had a strong Canadian accent that came and went every second sentence. I’ve sadly concluded that I will always be the ‘out-sider’. Telling Kenny, my boyfriend, about my sad conclusion he replied, “oh you love being the one with the accent!” …. I think he knows me too well. Australia as most people might know is a very dangerous country, but not necessarily how most people would think. Returning to Australia is also returning to a lot of memorabilia- most of which includes experiences with food. Tim tams, Lamingtons, Meat pies and chocolates that you just couldn’t get in Canada are all now at our fingertips…as I mentioned before, Australia is quite a dangerous country.

After a week of reuniting with old family friends and sharing about the journey that is set before us, we set off up the coast to my mum’s family’s house. A twelve hour drive seems not so bad after being welcomed by big hugs and kisses from grandparents, aunties and uncles that we haven’t seen for two years. It has been such a blessing being able to spend time with them again. I didn’t realize just how much my mum is like her family. It’s like living in a house with six Judi Owens’, all with their own flavour, but ALL with the same sense of humour and relaxed personality. It’s so lovely to see my mother finally with her family again, and laughing all the time. It was really cool to have the whole ‘Canadianized’ Owens clan experiencing the Australian beach again. I definitely miss Canada a lot, but I think I will always have a soft spot for this sunburned country…


Suse Dawe said…
You are your mother's daughter!S.
bontastic said…
We are presently enjoying having Juss and the extended family here with us. Many family outings and lots of food. We have a tradition where it is the aunty's place to pass on learned expriences from the mother land. Mine to Jussy's will be how to throw a crouching tiger.I have some well balanced judo throws that will get them out of a spot of bother if crouching tiger comes their way. Unfortunately judo requires you to be within inches of the crouching tigers body to flip the damn thing.That in it self poses problems. The other problem is that it's crouching could presents yet another whole new issue.But fear not my dear warriors I will proceed with my training as others before me have(no-one really but it sounds good) as I will be the crouching tiger for Juss and she can flp me tomorrow in our drill lessons.I might be three times the size of Juss but I feel it will be a true representation of the actual attack in the wild.God Bless
lauris said…
Had a lovely chat with Kenny on the phone the other day. He passed all the tests that my husband and I 've put before other interesrted parties.The next test is to send some photos over of yourself Kenny with your top off. (WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S ALREADY DONE THIS)Oh well maybe one day we will get to meet him. Time is slipping away and I am now 67yrs old don't leave it too late.Love from your with it granny.
DavenLes said…
Timtams, lamingtons and meat pies but what about that danger of all Aussie dangers = PAVLOVA!

Enjoy South Africa - it is a gentle way to ease into life in Africa - Tazania will be a whole lot different!!


"Uncle Dave" in Vancouver (as all those SA folk would call me.)