2 Dung Beetles On 63 Tons Of Elephant Poo! by Zac

Yesterday we went to the Addo Elephant Park (in the same village as the Rose Show), and now we know why they call it the “Elephant Park” instead of the “Lion Park” or “Buffalo Park”! One reason is because it’s a catchy name the second is because you’ll almost have a 100% chance to see at least 10 elephants.
In total we saw 63 and almost the whole road was paved with elephant poo! We ran into a whole heard of elephants at one point and they were almost getting angry at us and looked like they were going to squash our car for being in their way! The reason I called this “2 Dung Beetles On 63 Tons Of Elephant Poo!” is because we saw 63 elephants and only 2 Dung Beetles but we also saw 48 warthogs, 25 Kudu (deer), 6 Leopard Tortoises, 1 Blue Crane and an Egyptian Goose!

If you ever come to South Africa we definitely recommend the Addo Elephant Park!

Sincerely yours,
