Have you checked your inbox Lord? by Judi Owens

So without wanting to sound disrespectful I have been telling the Lord that while His timing is no doubt perfect..... I have just been wondering if He has checked his inbox recently..... My request regarding our Permits for Tanzania seem to have been redirected as spam??

Please join me in flagging this request!!
We have had 2 different opinions regarding whether we are able to enter South Africa without one.... We will find out on Thurs when we arrive at the airport.

The paperwork is currently sitting on the desk of the Tanzanian official who will be making the decision. We have resubmitted the paperwork twice now with further documentation each time... we are not sure if a bribe is what they are wanting and that has held things up?? Anyway, he/she may get to our application within 2 days or 2 weeks.....

I would appreciate your prayers...
Love Judi


Anonymous said…
Hi guys- we just had some incredible meetings for youth conference last week- wind of the spirit, gold dust, fire from heaven all came, which was 1st time for most of our church.

The big thing that has come out is the prayer, fasting & worship required for Gods Army to press on. Just came across Revelation 8:3-5 before reading your message