Graduation for pre-schoolers at Human Dignity Center

We recently went to the graduation ceremony/ concert for the preschoolers at the Human Dignity Centre. We were rewarded with a wonderful treat with the many items the children performed. The highlight of the morning was when a 4 year old girl stood and clearly spoke a poem entitled "I am somebody" which was originally written by Rev. Jesse Jackson. You can watch this little girl if you click on the link below:
View video

If you are unable to open the attachment then the words are:

I am Somebody!
I am Somebody!
I may be poor,
But I am Somebody.
I may be young,
But I am Somebody.
I may be on welfare,
But I am Somebody.
I may be small,
But I am Somebody.
I may have made mistakes,
But I am Somebody.
My clothes are different,
My face is different,
My hair is different,
But I am Somebody.
I am black, Brown,or white.
I speak a different language
But I must be respected,
Protected, Never rejected.
I am God’s child!

there wasn't a dry eye in the house as this small african girl slapped her chest twice every time she repeated the words "I am Somebody" and her voice rang out with boldness in her English/African accent.....



Suse Dawe said…
What a beautiful girl,such a clever 4 yr old and how moving.
Owens Family said…
I know.... we had trouble seeing.... our eyes were filled the whole time...
love judi