Little girls around the world....

Helping out at the Human Dignity Centre, I was able to help out alot with the kids there who were around the ages of 4-6. One day when I was minding them while the teacher was out of the classroom, the kids were just playing with toys and I spotted this one little girl playing with her doll. She lay the doll on her back and wrapped a shawl around her, so she could secure it one her back, just like alot of the women from the townships would do.It was so sweet. I realized that no matter where they are in the world, all girls are the same, but they have their own culture and "flavour" engrained in them. Western girls would have a trunkful of dolls and put them in their numerous "prams" or "buggies", where this little girl only had one doll and wrapped it around her the only way she knew how. It was so sweet being able to just witness the everyday cultural differences between us.


Suse Dawe said…
I wonder whether one day you might carry a baby of your own in this clever way.