zone Q handouts - by Judi

Zone Q food handouts!

Last Sunday our family went with Fountain Vineyard into the township area closest to the church with bags of vegetables for the families who live here.

Many of the children from the Vineyard helped bag the vegetables and fill up plastic containers with water since there is no clean supply of water at Zone Q. The children also helped hand them out which surprised us since it is considered a dangerous area.

The people stood waiting patiently in the rain for their bags and listened to a short gospel message then afterwards we got to pray for some of them.

Justine recognized some to the kids from the Human Dignity Centre where she volunteers. A small boy aged 3 or 4 was there with his 2 sisters to collect for his household. We have never seen a parent with this child and wonder if he has one or if his 11 yr old sister is his primary carer.

I prayed for an older woman who shared with me about her son in hospital. Although she didn’t speak English and I didn’t speak Xhosa we managed and we prayed and wept together. I think she invited me to her shack which I would love to do.

God is good!

