Gods grace as we travelled..... Dec 12th by judi

Dec 12 was a long long day. It started at 4am with our alarm ... take off was at 6:30am out of Port elizabeth and we were way overweight with our luggage..
We debated what to do... send a bag via courier or pay excess baggage fees (2 very expensive options) or just turn up and see what happens. Of course we had prayed and asked others to pray and thankfully our checkin assistant put our bags thru to Kilimanjaro, no questions asked. We had just saved ourselves a lot of money. Thanks Lord.

Next we realized we had forgotten to bring US dollars with us to pay for Justines visitor visa... US $50...we decided to pray again that she would get thru without payment because by the time we had realized our mistake we were waiting in Nairobi airport and it was around 8pm. As it turned out Justines passport was stamped. Customs waved our bags thru and we received all our bags! miracles really!

Staying in Nairobi airport for 6 hrs was a test of patience and faith and thankfully Kenyan airways provided sandwiches and drinks to keep us going..

Our flight was delayed 4 hrs and we are not sure why.... when we eventually got on to the Precision Air plane (a misnomer) we were so tired that we didnt feel the level of fear that we would have boarding in a more awake state. The overhead lockers didnt close properly, the seats moved and not many things were placed under the seat in front of you. The flight attendant accidentally inflated the life jacket in his demonstration and couldnt get it back over his head to finish his demo. At 10:30pm with exhaustion taking over we found this all hilarious.

When we finally arrived in the reception area of the airport it was very late and our Joshua friends were still waiting. We then drove for 45 mins to our new home in the dark and had a few moments of awe as we walked around our new home before the lights went out and we were thrown into complete darkness due to a blackout.

Nothing could dim our delight however. we had finally arrived in this land that we had prayed for so often and we were home...

Thankyou Lord for taking care of the little things that seem so big... bags, customs, connecting flights, excess baggage and long waits and delays in airports .....


Margie Gush said…
What an awesome God we serve - to get you through without paying excess baggage twice is really a miracle! i did have hysterics about your last flight and the air hostess inflating the bag - oh dear i am such a nervous flyer I think i would have died being on that flight with moving seats etc!!
lovely to hear all your news and to know you are safely in your new home
lots of love
Margie alias Mom
Owens Family said…
thanks Margie,
it sure is good to be on the ground again..