Merry Christmas from Arusha, Tanzania

Merry Christmas from all of us!
Wow, we have been here a week today and feel very much at home. We are not able to get alot of western stuff but that keeps Christmas simple and basic and truly centred on Jesus' birthday.

We have found a few things that make it feel a bit more like christmas. Christmas lights and ingredients for gingerbread cookies and some baubles. However, we have also found some uniquely african decorations like the masaai angels made by the masaai women who are employed by Wild Hope International ( ) (to order wildhope artisan email:

Within our first week we have settled into our home. Picked up some key swahili greetings. Habari Za Sabuhi! means good morning.... david has met with a pastor and is strategizing regarding more pastors meetings, judi has joined a prayer group of women praying for freedom for african women, zac has made some friends, justine has baked cookies and is excited about a Tanzanian Christmas....

Our love to you all!

Especially thinking of those of you who are experiencing snow this Christmas...

Judi, David, Justine & Zac


Margie Gush said…
Merry Christmas to all of you in Arusha from all two of us - nearly three and nearly four - in Benno Road!!!! Those biscuits look DELICIOUS!!
May you have a very blessed time over Christmas and may 2008 surprise you with all God has in store for you four!
please keep praying for Kayla - not doing at all well - it's been a long 19 days!