Introducing Ednecki!

Ednecki is a wonderful Masaai woman who is a God-send here in Arusha. She is the one on the left in the photo. Margie and Leah also work here.She works on the Joshua base and is learning English and computers. She also helps us with our Swahili and helps Judi around the house with all the time consuming tasks now that short cuts are over.

Ednecki is married to El-berecki and has a son Joshua who is 5 yrs old. She walks to work every day which takes her an hour, one way. It takes her 2 hrs to walk to church on Sundays but because she is in the choir she also has to go to church on Tuesday and Thursday evening after work ( 2hrs there and 2 hrs back) for choir practice.

One of her goals is to "drive a bike" so that her travel time would be cut down. Zac has offered to teach her once his bike arrives. To buy a second hand bike here would be around $60 and we are praying with her for God to provide for her.

She lives in a mud house but has been saving money to build a brick home. So far she has bought some stones and some bricks but has run out of money for the rest. Whenever the rains come the mud is washed away and she has to go down to the river with buckets to collect more mud to repair the damage. She has no electricity or running water but is full of joy and sings lots while she works.

She has been a real blessing to us and our Swahili attempts give her immense joy...

Please join us in praying for the completion of her house and provision of a bicycle.




Suse Dawe said…
Ednecki sounds wonderful.We would love to send money for her bike.I do sympathise with no shortcuts.lots of love.
P.S. Watch that boy with his machete.Perhaps he could keep it to shave with later on.
Owens Family said…
Hey Suze,
Jim and Min are sending money for her bike but she could always put toward cement??
ps we will post a pic of the bike when she gets it. Probably 2nd hand but good from a Peace Corp initiative close by.