The Pastors are coming!

Around thirty pastors are doing a BA in Missions here at Joshua. They will be arriving soon and the lecturers are hard at work preparing lectures and detailed notes for the courses.
It's a four year degree where existing leaders, senior pastors, movement overseers, representing an oversight of several hundred churches, come to be trained in Theology and Missions. David is teaching Discipleship Tracks and Personal Discipleship, and Judi is joining him to teach a course in Family. (See picture of David in his "office"!)
Many of these men and women have been thrown in the deep end and now recognise the need for more formalised equipping.
African Christianity is sometimes described as 'a mile wide and an inch deep', having a focus on conversions but solid follow-up and personal growth is seriously lacking. It's real privilege to work with people that have put their hands to the plough, some at great cost, even risking their lives.
Please keep these folk in prayer as they prepare to journey back from their various countries or regions to study. Please pray for God to transform their lives, their families, their churches, their denominations, their communities and the nation.
