Celeste has arrived!!!!!!!!!

What a treat to have our oldest daughter visiting us from the U.K.! We are so happy to see her and the whole family feel so excited to be together again. We can't wait to show her "our" Africa.

Of course, she came laden with gifts and useful items which also helps.....
Vegemite, hand sanitizer, chocolate and other things that arent readily available here.
She also happens to be carrying some extra goodies from our good friend Ida in Canada.... Thanks Ida!!

Zac is over the moon and he has received his birthday and Christmas gifts and an easter egg from Celeste as well.

We are planning on doing some special things like celebrating David's birthday together and going to a national park but also have planned a visit to the villages to help distribute the grain and we hope to attend the local village church.
We normally attend the Arusha Vineyard and have fallen in love with the people there.

Thanks God for bringing our daughter to see us!
