On 'retreat'

Last week we led a retreat for a missionary organization Tanzanian Team. It was held in a coffee plantation resort, so tucked away that you would only find it if you knew it was there.
The group had gone through the most gruelling year emotionally and spiritually, and wanted more than anything to be refreshed and encouraged.
We (Judi and David) came away feeling thoroughly refreshed and encouraged ourselves, truly relieved to find out that they felt the same way! On our return, however, we were hit with a mild African virus; body and head aches.


Owens Family said…
That mild african virus turned out to be Typhus fever which is contracted from ticks and mites. David and Justine both have it and Justine also has a bacterial infection in her stomach.

The Typhus fever left untreated causes death in 10% of cases so we are glad that Justine and David both have lots of antibiotics now to treat their condition.... in 10 days they should both be back to normal... whatever that is.
Anonymous said…
Yes, but it is also contracted from rats and vermin. Found commonly in people with little or no personal hygiene! I guess we just need to draw our own conclusions!
