Maasai approach to sickness! by judi

Today, David has been flat on his back with Bronchitis. He is struggling with high temperatures and racked with coughs. Poor man only just recovered from tick fever when he came down with a head cold which has turned into Bronchitis.

One major cultural difference we have noticed here in Africa is that when you are sick .... especially quite sick everyone who is connected to you in some way comes to pay you a visit. This is almost the opposite of our mindset which wants to be left alone to get better and especially doesn't particularly want to be seen when very sick....

Today, Eliasante, our good friend came to visit David. I suggested that he make sure he washes his hands just as he was leaving because Bronchitis is contagious. He answered "no, I am Maasai. We Maasai have no fear when one of our own is sick. We refuse to leave him alone and vulnerable. We will always have someone stay closeby to guard over him while he is sick and unable to protect himself. .... that's why I sit so close to David. I am not afraid to have his sickness. I am guarding him."

Wow! What a precious worldview! ....
still I did encourage him to wash his hands...
