Meet Pork Roast and Rabbit Casserole! by Judi

In our agriculture department we have 2 successful projects underway.

Our rabbit project is going extremely well with our rabbits doing what they are renowned for "breeding like rabbits" and we have taken the first round of rabbit meat to the college. We are awaiting some feedback from the pastors since few of them have ever eaten rabbit! We are also looking into starting family rabbit projects within the surrounding villages as well. If the taste test proves successful we are looking at starting rabbit breeding projects for the pastors communities also.

There are 18 piglets in the stable at the moment and another litter will be on the way in about a month. We are growing pigs for pork which we sell to local restaurants. Our pork is famous for its tenderness and sweetness. We know what we feed those piggies so it has to taste good. We have just established our own meat processing room. Those little pink faces are so sweet but will soon grow into great big pork roasts!!

Our stable staff are kept extremely busy keeping all these mouths fed!


Anonymous said…
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Owens Family said…
This post was left anonymously and was some kind of advertising.......
Please always identify yourself when you leave a post even if it is under the anonymous ID......
the Owens'
Anonymous said…
Yucky... please tell me I don't need to eat rabbit when I go over there!
