Winter has arrived here in Arusha

Here we are 2 degrees south of the equator and yet we are sitting here in our woolies commenting on how cold it is....
First of all, it is actually 16 degrees celcius which is quite cold if all you have ever imagined of Africa is sweltering heat and humidity... and it is going to get colder..... down to 9 degrees ...7 is the lowest it has ever gotten..

Our Canadian friends will be wondering how we could so quickly have lost our winter hardiness.... I guess we have become acclimatized to our temperate conditions because we are cold.... Some of our friends in Arusha have even lit fires...

I remember laughing when I heard that my parents in Australia lit their fire when temperatures got down to 13 degrees..... well pole sana.... I am now in that boat..... I think I am going to invest in a heater..

From Chilly Africa
