Maasai Shukas..... African tartan plaid?

These beautiful shukas are worn by many men around our area. Tractor tyre shoes and warrior stick complete the picture.

From Wikipedia regarding maasai clothing ( : (Maasai) Clothing varies by age, sex, and place. Young men, for instance, wear black for several months following their circumcision. However, red is a favored color. Blue, black, striped, and checkered cloth are also worn, as are multicolored African designs. The Maasai began to replace animal-skin, calf hides and sheep skin, with commercial cotton cloth in the 1960s.[58]
Shúkà is the Maa word for sheets traditionally worn wrapped around the body, one over each shoulder, then a third over the top of them. These are typically red, though with some other colors (e.g. blue) and patterns (e.g. plaid.) Pink, even with flowers, is not shunned by warriors.[59] One piece garments known as kanga, a Swahilli term, are common.[60] Maasai near the coast may wear kikoi, a type of sarong that comes in many different colors and textiles. However, the preferred style is stripes.[61]
Many Maasai in Tanzania wear simple sandals, which were until recently made from cowhides. They are now soled with tire strips or plastic. Both men and women wear wooden bracelets. The Maasai women regularly weave and bead jewellery. This bead work plays an essential part in the ornamentation of their body. Although there are variations in the meaning of the color of the beads, some general meanings for a few colors are: white, peace; blue, water; red, warrior/blood/bravery.[62]


Anonymous said…
I love the colours and designs.Can anyone buy the fabric or must one be a Masai man?

justine said…
Anyone can buy them... they're readily available in the markets or local clothing store. We'll send you one back with Lloyd.
Owens Family said…
PS Susan - the reply was actually from David (me) not Justine - though I'm sure she'd be delighted to send you back a shuka too. However, I don't think she'll be here by the time Lloyd gets here! Pole sana...
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