Thirty Years Later... by David

I wonder why I never could let it go. Film has been in my blood ever since I'd set course for a career in the industry thirty years ago. My change of direction into the airline industry then church ministry hasn't been able to shake it somehow...
There I was, laying on my back in an open cement truck, trying to keep out of sight of Camera 2 while holding the mic for Camera 1, surrounded by dancing musicians. We were filming an African wedding scene with a truck carrying a brass band, the groom and his friends. It was loud, uncomfortable and lots of fun.
I've been helping in the shooting of the first Swahili musical - wonderful original music and cast. The producers are Canadians so I can at least understand the accent!
How technology has changed! We used to have to wait a nervous few hours to get the developed footage back each day and view what were called 'rushes' (self-explanatory) in sometimes make-shift projection rooms. Nowadays the 'rush' is simply hustling over to the camera (or laptop) in question, and watching the immediate digital replay to determine if a retake in necessary.
Can you believe that I still have my old cinematographers' manual & light meter? They were expensive too.. I might frame them, not much other use...
