Counting Judi

Well in one week we will have seen our daughter off at the airport here on her way to a whole new season of life. She is heading off to New Zealand via Vancouver.

The following week, we will be driving Zachary up to his new boarding school in Kenya.....

Within a matter of 2 weeks I will be a mother without any children nearby....... Celeste will be in England, Justine in New Zealand and Zac in Kenya..... What's up with that??

I am wondering if I just might forget myself and begin to cut up David's food, fix his hair....or at least look for it, clean his face or make him eat all of his food...

Of course, he will look adorable in those little lace up shoes and socks....

You might want to pray for him....... and me...

and while you are at it, on a more serious note, please pray for Justine and Zachary. When asked this morning what they would like prayer for they both mentioned "courage". I am excited for this new season of their lives that God has planned for them but the transition is not going to be easy.... gulp.




Anonymous said…
wow... you are going to go through empty nest syndrom... going to adopt an African child? just kidding. will be praying for all of you.

Anonymous said…
loved what you are going to be doing to david once the kids are gone!!!! am really praying for you all a lot
Anonymous said…
ha ha - the second anonymous is me - honestly i am not very clued up with what i am meant to press once i have typed my comment!!!