Update on Zac!!

Well it is one month tomorrow since Zac has been at his new boarding school!!
How has he coped?? Well, generally, things are getting better but the first 2 weeks were definitely hard. Most of his phone calls began with an upbeat "Hi Mum" and ended with "Mum, I don't think I can do this.....I can't find God's grace" Please pray for more grace"
After a little while we began to notice that he was asking us to pray for others in his dorm. His toughest time of day was after dinner around devotions which he normally would share with his dad, at home. We prayed hard. We encouraged Zac to hear from God and he did. He told us that the 2 things God was saying over and over were "do what is right and you will be rewarded" and "do not let your emotions control you". We were encouraged. We also gave him some clues as to how he might be able to do this. Mum encouraged him to "speak to his emotions, like the Psalmist and tell them to rise up" and Dad encouraged him to read Phil4:4ff which talks about thinking on those things which are positive.

We learned today that he was asked to take the devotions section of his Bible class. He decided to share on Phil 4:4ff. At the end of his sharing his teacher remarked: " Well this took most of the lesson but it was good, you really got us thinking".

We asked Zac if he took a long time and he answered "I guess so, well I needed to explain the meaning of every verse."

He seems to be following in his father's footsteps!!

All of this to say, that we see a strength developing in his spiritual walk that has been the result of pain, no doubt, but that it is working together for his good. He continues to ask us to pray for his homesickness every night and we would ask you to do the same. Thanks for your support.


Anonymous said…
It's good to hear that Zac is doing better, we will keep him in our prayers as well as you. Homesickness never really goes away, but with God it becomes bearable. It helps to focus on the blessing of being able to at least talk to you. Of course sometime it may just make him miss you that much more, but it may also help him to see how blessed he is to still have you. Anyways, it will all work out in the end. Blessings!
justine said…
aw... Zac, I love how confident you are with hearing from God, dont lose that!! and it made me giggle the part of him 'following in his fathers footsteps' ;) thatta boi!
Anonymous said…
Made me giggle too! We are in trouble.. ;) love you Mc Cack and praying for you loads! xxxx