Just when we thought it was safe to go back out to the loo...

Loiborsoit, the village we stayed at in Masailand, is near to Terengeri National Park. During the early months, the local plains are full of game that wander out of the park area.
As we were driving back Sunday afternoon, I asked Emmanuel, our young Masai friend (pictured), if they'd recently had any lion in the area.. He leant forward and said, "Actually, the village lost 5 cows and one donkey to lions last night".
Yikes!!! Thankfully, neither Judi nor I had had to go to the loo Saturday night ... an unlit 10 metre dash over open ground!
(Spare potty anyone?)


Anonymous said…
"Owen's in the Lions' Den" might be your new theme song - now you want to watch for the dreams - God might have more in store for you than you have ever imagined. Blessings.
Owens Family said…
There's a thought! We've just been talking about dreams too, both the conscious and the sleep ones. Thanks...
Anonymous said…
Pray all your dreams just as you pray your awake time, and God will teach you amazing things. I don't have so many dreams at this point in time, but when they were frequent, it was a most wonderful time of hearing God speak. I prayed for everyone who was in the dream, gave God the things I didn't understand to work out for me, thanked him and recorded the dream messages that came. Our son has been an amazing spiritual warrior through his dreams.

Sweet and spiritual dreams to you all and to all a good night.