Mid term break for Zac!!

Last weekend we were blessed to have Zac arrive home for 4 days..... he has grown so much in responsibility and he is delightfully concerned about others and willing to pray for them...

After special family dinners and pancake breakfasts Zac was up early showered and ready to drive back to Nairobi for school. This was a good sign ... he was looking forward to going back to school...

Although he shed a tear when we left, within hours he was cheerful and had bounced back...

Not only that but his first report card showed a grade point average of 92%.....

Thanks Lord!


Anonymous said…
so excited to read this news about dear Zac and that he has done so well and also seems to now be happy to be there. My heart went out to him when he felt homesick having been to boarding school most of my life. love to you all Margie
justine said…
WHAT THE HECK ZAC?!! Stop making your bigger sister look bad... my word! 92% thats ridiculous! Good on ya zac. Responsibility tho? did hell freeze over? ;) just kids. I miss you guys and thats so good to hear he's growing up so quickly and loving his school!...his face looks like he's really nervous tho in this pic...is that because he's going to or coming back from rva?? ;)