Zac is now back at school in Kijabe, Kenya....

We have so enjoyed having Zachary home for a five week period for his christmas break. One of the gifts he gave us for christmas was a book he wrote about Africa called: Me, Myself and Africa.

The chapters are:
Chicken Murderer
Red Belly Black Snake
To the Bat Cave, Robin!
Running Rhino
Face to Face with a Cheetah
Nose to Trunk with an Elephant
A Christmas in Africa
My Sister got chased by a lion and Im not lion
A Freezing Hike
Mid Term

All very exciting reading...
I will attempt to have him type it out so that the chapters can be enjoyed by all..... although they do put his dad in a rather daring-irresponsible light and mum.... well she is the chicken murderer....


Anonymous said…
But didn't everyone pretty much know that about mom and dad anyways! I didn't even know you folks that well and could have guessed it. Our children are so much fun.
justine said…
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justine said…
chicken murderer? mum that's fowl....

Oh gosh I'm so like dad.......