Introducing Salvatore....

Salvatore is a 14 yr old orphan who lives in Magugu with a drunkard who treats him terribly. His uncle who is a friend of ours and pre-Christian works in Arusha and has 4 children of his own and they all live in a small room.

Salvatore is small for his age.... more like a 10 yr old and very quiet and unobtrusive. He sits quietly while his uncle discusses his future with David.

Please pray for this young man to find a home in his town. We have put out 2 requests to christian teachers we know in the area and his uncle is able to give a small amount of money per month toward food for the boy. It is only $10 but with the 4 other mouths to feed it is a lot out of his monthly salary.

Please pray for a home, for love and for a sense of belonging for Salvatore. May he grow up to take his place in society, knowing he has a valuable contribution to make and that he is loved.


USA2AUS said…
I would love to hear what has become of Salvatore??