We will put 10% for flour and oil and 10% for more beads and 10% for the church,...

This is part of the quote from the pastor who oversees the beading women of Emboret. Together they have discussed and decided that the money from their project will be community money not for individual items. On top of this they will give a percentage for further beading, a percentage for their daily needs and a percentage to the church.

They have also decide that they can keep a small amount of money toward a deposit for a chicken project they want to start.

Some of the women in this beading circle are married to non-christian men who do not provide any money for them to live and this project is an opportunity for them to not only provide for themselves but also educate their children.

Please pray for the success of their endeavours. They work hard and travel a long distance to bring their samples.

They are currently working on beading some more "masai Mamas"


