Female Circumcision and Sex!!

After 4 days of teaching on Marriage at the pastors school here at CMF it was time for the sex talk.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that 3/4 of my group of women were circumcised, after breaking into 2 groups, one for men and one for women to prevent embarrassment and encourage honest questions!

The honest questions I got were not at all what I expected.
Did uncircumcised women have trouble with diseases?
Did uncircumcised women have uncontrollable sexual urges?
Did uncircumcised women have problems with odour?

The women were surprised that my tribe did not circumcise women and it soon became apparent that I was to be pitied.

It soon became obvious that the carefully prepared talk on the "how to" of sex was not going to work - especially since most of them were missing some vital parts... Neither were they interested in discussing the mechanics of sex but rather how little they wanted their husbands attentions particularly because they felt hurt by his lack of honor for them during the day and neglect of their feelings. Mmmm..... things seem pretty much the same as in the west. Except for the fact that we consider female circumcision cruel and dangerous. Yes, many women hemorrhage and bleed to death in childbirth because of their circumcision.

In the end, we talked about forgiving those who have hurt you... how to do this and how to deal with reoccurring hurts and offenses... after all, these things really do relate to sex.


Anonymous said…
i appreciated reading this incredible post, we really are 'worlds apart' in our customs!