More news about ATM's, Salvatore etc...

Forgive the lack of photos but we have to wait for another week until we get our camera back... but the other news is that our ATM money is being repaid in the next day or so! Apparently US citizens are being warned of ATM scams on Americans ... did they mistake my accent?
We had a great week catching up with a Maasai doctor and two of his friends from Oldonuyo Sambu, a village on the road to Nairobi. I always felt there was something special about the place every time we drove through it. This last trip I verbalized my thoughts to Judi, telling her I wished we knew someone there so that we could connect. All along I've known Dr Linus, who's a member of the Vineyard here, not knowing he worked up there.
Linus has also been a great help organising a host family for Salvatore, the young lad we've blogged about in the last few weeks. It looks like we have a good match ... three previous options didn't work out, hopefully this one will. Salvatore is up here in Arusha at present, with his other uncle Athman (our friend).
You'll hear some more about Linus in due course - he's a great guy doing a great work... remind me if I forget!


Celeste said…
I am so excited for Salvatore!

Praise God!
