Flash finds some family.......

Flash meets son of Flash......found in the very same garden he had come from, across town

Today, we picked up a smaller Flash.... son of Flash or maybe a Flashette....
Initially, we were not sure of its breed but upon examination it is a tortoise and after initially shunning each other the smaller tortoise is now following the larger one around.

So possibly related..... or besotted....

Not sure how we feel about this new family member, after Flash managed to get up onto our front deck and walk his muddy feet around in circles until he found my shoes which he used as a toilet..... this was also tracked around the deck with either artistic or cunning abandon.
Flash disgraces himself....

those are Judi's shoes.....

Last night we had the joy of discovering many tiny ants and their eggs on our bedroom wall, curtains and rug.....
What were they doing? relocating it seems... How did they get there?? can't figure it out.
some of the ant population....
...and their brothers...
