Kigelegele and Famine Relief!

Maize..... the staple of Tanzania

the grain distribution begins.... pouring buckets

a view of Pastor K's church...

famine relief made possible by generous people in Australia and Canada...

widows wait patiently for the grain distribution......

list of names of those who receive aid is written by the government official - also a church elder....

2 buckets each.....

Imagine the overwhelming feeling of being greeted by around 20 widows who surround you as soon as you emerge from your car to grasp your hand and kiss it, whisper "thank you" in swahili and then begin to "serenade" you with their kigelegele (defined in the dictionary as: trills of triumph (used by women)) while beating on your breast.

All of this was in response to delivering money for grain to Pastor K to assist with the severe famine in his area.
A couple of posts ago we told of Pastor K who contacted us for help with regard to the famine in his area and the need of his family and the many widows and HIV victims in his community.

Thank you to those of you who have responded. We wish you could have received this thankful response first hand. These widows were so thankful and their greeting made us feel so emotional and blessed.

One of the church elders is also a government official and was listing the names and keeping track of those who received help and their families. Most were given 2 buckets of maize unless their family was very large.

We still have money left to buy more grain for this community and will see that Pastor K gets another allotment in a week. So far 2 shipments have been delivered. Things are looking up for this community. They are sure that God has heard their prayers.

To thank us they served us a meal which was costly for them and then prayed for us that we would not experience any lack but that God would answer all of our needs and prayers.

A truly humbling experience.

Widows leaving happy ....
