Driving to RVA - making contact with Juss and Ethiopian Food!

After arriving back from South Africa, hosting our Canadian guests and hosting Alpha we set off for Nairobi to see Zac who needed a visit from mum and dad after the distance of the last few weeks.

Traditionally, we leave early on Friday morning so that we miss the heat of the day. This often means that we see game. Often zebra and sometimes giraffe. The view is stunning.

The view on the trip to Kijabe from the Nairobi Road

We take Zac off the RVA campus for a free weekend and spend time together eating Zac's favourite home made foods. We often contact Celeste or Justine on skype so that we get a family huddle...

Zac talks to Justine on skype

Juss pulls a crazy face on skype while chatting with Zac

After going to church together in the morning we have lunch and help Zac pack and head on back to RVA.

mum and zac share a joke at his drop off at RVA

On returning to Nairobi, David and i sometimes eat at a cheap and local Ethiopian restaurant before rising early on Monday morning to drive back to Arusha to wash clothes before the power outages on Tuesday and Wednesday and prepare for Alpha dinner.

Mixed plate at "Habesha" 400 kenyan shillings
