Alpha by candlelight and laptop

Last Monday night - Alpha night - the power went out at 6pm until 10pm - the exact time frame for Alpha....

What to do? Well we prayed lots..... and then lit the candles and figured we would have to read "how to receive Direction" from the Alpha book "Issues of Life".... not a good option.

We decided instead to crowd around my laptop and turn up the sound (no speakers) and listen to Nicky Gumbel teach. We all strained to hear and must have been quite a sight. All 16 of us crowded around this small laptop in the candle light.... sudden bursts of laughter erupting at certain pertinent points...

The discussion and conversations after were lively and interesting...

Angels, Feng Shui, dreams, scriptures and coincidences, all played their part in the diverse discussion by participants afterwards..

God is on the move and it has been interesting and exciting to watch.
