No water!

In our local village just outside Kwaiddi there is a community tap where all the women come of an evening to collect water in their colourful buckets. Often they just sit and wait because the water doesn't come.

Our landlord is not a christian and has lived in Tanzania for many years. He owns lots of houses and the 2 houses nearby us that are owned by him have a bore hole that we share. There is enough water with some to spare... Meanwhile, just outside our gate are women waiting with buckets for water that doesn't come.

Recently, there was a knock on our gate with women asking us if they could get water from us because it had been 12 days since any water had come from the town supply. We agreed and soon our yard had ladies and buckets being filled to the brim.

It is amazing to see young girls - small and skinny- around 12 yrs old, lifting 5 gallon buckets of water onto their heads without any effort!!

Our landlord does not want us giving water to our neighbours. He has, in fact, locked the faucet of the 3 property that he is building that supplies water.

We have decided that it is better to deal with our landlords anger than Gods' by refusing to give a commodity that is essential for life and that we have so much of.

However, one night after we had so many women in our yard during a power outage, filling buckets for hours, we realized that women from other suburbs and locations were now coming to receive water. We needed to make sure this was sustainable and decided to lay down a few boundaries. After discussing with our african workers about the best way to proceed we came up with a plan that is workable and sustainable.

Please pray for rain. The local tap provides water for this village twice a week only....
