It is heating up......

We just commented to each other today that life has never been so busy... and so rewarding.

New life is everywhere around us and we are experiencing such variety in the work we are doing. Never a moment of boredom. I have been prone to say.... "if I ever have to pray for another aunt's ingrown toe nail..... I think I will shoot myself". The comment is more a reflection of the frustration at not being "hands on" and "against the coal face", so to speak, rather than a hatred of ingrown toenails or their owners. In fact, please don't hesitate to ask me to pray for healing if you have an ingrown toenail. I would hate to think that because of this motto there are folk limping around with gangrenous toes, ashamed to own up to them for fear of being thought inferior.

No, this season is very full.
Take for instance our marriage seminar. The first one was to expats in a swank restaurant with a three course meal. We have had lots of feedback about the need for a longer seminar and many orders for Costa's book. The next marriage seminar we did was to rural tanzanian church planters. I we wrestled and nutted through cultural contexts for biblical truths. Very satisfying for them and for us.

Next, the Alpha course has almost finished with our celebration dinner on Dec 4th. We are inviting many friends of the former participants and God has moved in the lives of these people strongly. 5 baptisms all together and probably 3 first time conversions and a couple of recommitments. God is on the move and when the newly saved get excited... there is a ripple effect. They invite their friends and bring them to all the events they love.

Our ladies coffee on Friday afternoons is developing into a place to share and be known and is a delightful way for women to connect.

This weekend we are having our first Church family camp. Speakers David and Colleen Pedersen are coming from SA to help with this.

We are truly experiencing a surge of life... a wave that is fun to keep on top of..... a birthing that means lots of work in the nursery and changing the occassional dirty diaper. What fun!!

Excuse me, I need to go.... life is happening..... babies are growing!! :)


justine said…
Mum you're hilarious. Such good writers you guys! I reckon you should think about possibly even writing a book?? :) Would love to catch up over skype sometime xoxoxo
Karyn said…
I thought this was a riot also, I think as a matter promoting efficient prayer practice and no time wasting God should simply banish ingrown toenails forever.