The Latest Exploits of Flash - the East African Leopard Tortoise

Flash very definitely needs company....
He has been seen many times negotiating the large steps at either the front or the back of our house in an attempt to get inside. This is no idle thing. It requires much maneuvering and a certain knowledge of physics, pivotal suspension and centre of balance. He rocks back and forth on the bottom of his shell, all the while clawing at the air in the hope of eventually making contact with a step, screen door or something solid on which to pull so he can lever his entire weight up to the next step. All of this takes quite some time considering there are around 6 steps at the front and 2 at the back.

Yesterday, exhausted after his mammoth effort, he lumbered contentedly over to David's feet. David, whose adolescent curiosity has been delighted by watching the clumsy attempts of "Flash" decides to see what will happen if he doesn't remove his toes from Flash's sight. Yes... we have noticed his appreciation for toes. All of us have felt a little vulnerable when he labors toward them with his sharp beak, and backed away. David, decided this was the day to see what it was, that Flash wanted. Meat or meet?

He eyed David's toes studiously then casually rested his head down on those toes as if they were the luxury pillow he had been dreaming of. It seemed such a tender moment. The rest of us onlookers immediately repented for thinking the worst of our friend Flash. It seems he never wanted our toes for meat.... rather he just wanted companionship....

Female Tortoise, anyone? We seriously need to get this guy a date....


Nicky B said…
You need to write this as a children's story book. I love reading about Flash.
Wal said…
I thought the Big Toe photo in the latest story had something to do with a vicious Tortoise attack only to be disappointed that it was merely about ingrown toenails.