The Divine Dance

The Divine Dance
An invitation,
A whispered invitation,
An invitation to join the vibrant twirling colour and movement of dance with my Lover
Secret joy bunches like a fist in my stomach
Recognizable longings for freedom
Could this be?
This enchanted secret adventure is surely forbidden
This dance will lead to much more!
I can smell the intimacy the pure joy of being close and being loved.
And know that this silent, secret dance is not the frothy cover of life
But is the deep river I drink from
That sustains the everyday
And gives meaning to the mundane
And without a doubt, produces love-fruit.

Judi Owens (March, 2010)


Anonymous said…
What a wonderful poem.
Are there others in a drawer?
Love Susan
justine said…
wow mum! That's stunning! I know now where I get it from ;)
Stefani said…
that picture is on our wall... Doug loves his art