The kingdom of God and Kenyan traffic police!

It is my belief that we will know that Christianity and the Kingdom of God is here when Kenyan police are free from corruption.

At the moment they use intimidation and false accusation to extort bribes from vulnerable motorists. I know this from experience.

If all of your papers are in order, they will make up a "new" law that you are unaware of but have broken. All the while their guns are over their shoulders and often inadvertantly pointing in your direction.

"What gift have you brought me from Tanzania, mama?" or "we need money for chai" or when offered bananas after asking for money for dinner the indignant reply was "We cannot take food from a motorist while on duty, it would not be proper".... he then went on to say "but you could give me money for dinner when I get off duty".
There is always the threat that they will impound your car and throw you in a cell and that you will have to go to court to defend yourself. If the fine they are suggesting is too much, "...then how much can you pay?" is a give-away that things are negotiable and therefore not "kosher".

There are more requirements for motorists on the roads in Kenya than in Tanzania. A fire extinguisher and road license is all we have ever been asked for as well as valid insurance in Tanzania. In Kenya you also need triangles for the road in case of breakdowns, and a first aid kit. Besides insurance, paperwork showing how many days you will be in Kenya and also your passport is sometimes asked for.

At the end of our roadside discussions we often suggest they we pray for them in their difficult positions and for God's anointing for their job... at this point we are ushered on very quickly. Although, last week, one officer said indignantly,
"I am a man of God and if I ask you for chai money, I am not asking for prayer, I am asking for chai money!" (this is an indirect way of asking for a bribe and is illegal)
His superior officer grabbed him by the coat and said "let them go, it is getting late and they are tired"..... never a truer word said.

May the Kingdom of God come to Kenya..... for the many who are poor and powerless and harrassed by those in positions of power and authority. Just last week 7 taxi drivers were brutally killed by police officers on unsubstantiated claim that they were from some gang.

Pray for peace in Kenya.
