Mama Simon and I pose for a photo. I am wearing one of the aprons she made.

Many women in Arusha work as unskilled laborers at the rock quarries where they smash large rocks into smaller pebbles with another rock. They sit in the sun, sometimes with their children and beat rocks for hours. Their supervisor is usually a man and he watches their production level closely.
Recently, one of the women who speaks a little English greeted me near my home and asked if it would be possible to show me some of her home made doilys (an ornamental mat) and cushion covers. I agreed and when I saw them had to find a polite way to say how I am sure many African homes would be improved by them but most Mzungu's (Europeans) would not buy these. They were knitted and mustard in colour. Need I say more?
She also had some fabric for sale and I suggested that maybe she might like to sew this into aprons because I was pretty sure Mzungu's would buy those.
Later that week she came back to me with 4 aprons and the following week another 4 and the following week, another 4. We have sold many of them and I only have 3 left. She is making a small profit and enjoying not having to break rocks anymore.
She has such a sweet face and heart and is very thankful for all of the sales.
Many women in Arusha work as unskilled laborers at the rock quarries where they smash large rocks into smaller pebbles with another rock. They sit in the sun, sometimes with their children and beat rocks for hours. Their supervisor is usually a man and he watches their production level closely.
Recently, one of the women who speaks a little English greeted me near my home and asked if it would be possible to show me some of her home made doilys (an ornamental mat) and cushion covers. I agreed and when I saw them had to find a polite way to say how I am sure many African homes would be improved by them but most Mzungu's (Europeans) would not buy these. They were knitted and mustard in colour. Need I say more?
She also had some fabric for sale and I suggested that maybe she might like to sew this into aprons because I was pretty sure Mzungu's would buy those.
Later that week she came back to me with 4 aprons and the following week another 4 and the following week, another 4. We have sold many of them and I only have 3 left. She is making a small profit and enjoying not having to break rocks anymore.
She has such a sweet face and heart and is very thankful for all of the sales.