Greeting you in Jesus name.I do
believe that you are doing well in your ministry. Iam also
\ fine continuing well in my studies.I would like to send you
photos as I prommissed you.this is when water tank is
built,you can see me mwhen i took manure,and when i help the
fundi to mix sand and cement,also you will Jackline mix sand
with cement ect,and athers is patros jonah and fundi and
those who were coming to observe.may the good GOD bless you
so much for your great conern with our pre school,and the
church at Emboreet as well.send my thanks to the one who
sent funds through you.
Remain with God blessing. Elijah.
Please see the attached receipt (sorry- no scanner so photographed) for the materials and labour.
We recently visited the preschool and saw first hand the new tank and it was full of water.
The village elders thank the business men of Casino Baptist and other churches for their generosity in providing this.