The Good Samaritan - Tanzanian style

The beautiful Nadine

Our dear friend Nadine went hiking with her friend Tom on Monday night. Unfortunately, there was a light rain and at about 30 meters from the summit Nadine slipped and Tom went to assist her and they both fell around 100 meters onto rocks and mud.

While at the bottom of the gorge they had a number of visitors. The first people who came demanded money to rescue them. Nadine was unconscious and Tom emerged from consciousness to be asked for money. Unbeknown to them both the robbers helped themselves to Nadine’s camera bag in which she had her camera, blackberry and car keys in it. The second visitors went to get the third lot who laid Nadine on a Masai blanket to transport her to the top of the gorge so she could get some help. They also contacted nearby missionaries who knew Nadine and Tom so they could get them to a nearby hospital.

Nadine sustained multiple injuries with a broken pelvis and finger while her knee is badly swollen and she has grazes and bruising. Tom also had concussion, cuts and bruising. Tom has been released from hospital while Nadine is still recovering.

When relating the story of her robbery while she was unconscious to friends here in Tanzania we were informed that this is very common. In fact, if the victim of an accident is dead, passers by will strip them of everything including clothing!!

Surely, this is the story of the good Samaritan who suffered similar treatment at the hands of robbers and visitors who were indifferent to his plight until finally a Samaritan man came and showed mercy on the Jewish victim and not only helped him to a hospital but took care of his bills and recovery as well.


Unknown said…
I see this was posted nearly a month ago. I hope everyone in your neck of the woods is doing well and is out of hospital.
Hope we see you all again sometime soon.
Unknown said…
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