For a long time now, I have loved chickens and wanted my own to love and care for, in the hope that they would produce some wonderful little yellow eggs for me....

Finally, I am building that hen house. It will be 5 foot by 5 foot with wire mesh on one side and will be off the ground on "legs" to combat the problem of killer ants, here. It will have a roof and 3 wooden walls and a ladder for the chickens to walk up at night,

This structure will house the four lovely chickens I am getting from a friend when she leaves to live in Kenya. It is hoped that they will be safe from mongoose, dogs, snakes etc. in this little apartment.

The carpenter is charging 67,000 tz shillings - close to $47AUS and $45 CAD plus an extra $14 for labour.

Of course, there is still nesting boxes, sawdust, chicken feed and feeders but I am close to my dream of raising chickens.

The down side is that I am going to miss my friend, Serena, who has not only prayed diligently for us and our church but has run the first alpha course in our church and been a kind and generous listener in our time in Tz. She will be greatly missed. Thankfully, Kenya is not too far away and visits are possible.

Lets hope Maziwa (milk) and Kahawa (coffee) our two incorrigible dogs leave Henny Penny and the girls alone!!

p.s. plans are afoot to build a small fence and house for the tortoises so that Flash and his wife can also make the trek over to the new house. We are seriously considering leaving the younger male behind, who shows a lack of manners and over interest in females. He has been informally named "pervert" by one of my daughters. Any guessing which daughter might have labeled him? I think, Kobe, the female tortoise would thank us for this.


Anonymous said…
That sounds perfection for any hen about to provide you with eggs with yellow yolks.
Nothing like an egg warm from the nest for breakfast.

I'd heard that person, whose name you so delicately omitted was also somewhat lacking care whilst driving.
Are the rumours true that she is with child?

We parents have our challenges.
Love S.