Kids excel!

Last sunday was our family service. This involved children in almost every area of the service.

They assisted with announcements, prayer for the offering, the sermon (enacted the story of 5 "breads" and 2 fish multiplication) and we prayed for them all at the end.

Part of the teaching was about heroes and David was asked to dress up as Superman to enter the stage as a hero. There was a gasp of shock as Africans saw their pastor enter in a bizarre costume wearing underpants over his pj bottoms, a t-shirt with "S" on it, a cape and his cap backwards. Some of them had very probably never seen Superman and were wondering what on earth had become of their fearless leader.

The children had raised 75,000/- shillings over a 4 week period for a local orphanage. They were an inspiration to their teachers as they demanded to give their money every week at the outset of the class and it was wonderful to see them present their decision to the managers of the orphanage and pray for the offering. They prayed for wisdom in how to spend it and also for the orphans to grow into strong and healthy adults.
We were all humbled by their prayers.


Anonymous said…
That's so good to hear and so important.
God bless you in raising the new generation.

justine said…
But doesn't Dad normally wear that attire??