Vineyard Festival in Arusha!!

Arusha Vineyard Festival!!

April 30th was a day of celebrating the diversity of the different ministries in our church.

We looked at the process that Arusha Vineyard is undertaking to help us define who we are. This is not a democratic process but rather a acknowledgement that vision, not only rests with the leaders, but is also embellished (strengthened and added to) by the congregation.

Our strategy group presented findings of two different home groups so far, in this process of Who are we, Where are we going and What are the values we adhere to?

Through out the day different groups presented their ministries so that we could better appreciate each other and network together as well as get a glimpse of the overall tapestry that is Arusha Vineyard. We all agree that the walls between denominations should come down and even between ministries but much of our time is spent extending or maintaining our own “turf”. This day was a start in the process of looking over our own fence and seeing what God is up to in our neighbours’ yard and cheering and celebrating what we see. We were left with a sense of amazement regarding the diversity and compassion and commitment of God’s people in our congregation.
We won!!
No! We really won!!

Lolade wows us, in the preaching competition!

For David and I, where we have sometimes felt in previous ministries that we were leading, a heartfelt desire to see more outward looking ministry - here in this church we see people who are committed to outward ministry so much that we want to provide a place of rest and nurture for them.
Income generating projects and ideas by one ministry presentation...
Vineyard kids beat us at most competitions!
Niki - our resident artists impression of the diversity, life and colour in our church..

Between ministry presentations we had skits and competitions and games that had us laughing and running and jumping and shouting. The day started with croissants, coffee and fresh tropical fruit and ended with the Swahili musical “Nipe Jibu” a movie produced and directed by Pamoja ministry.

At the end of the day we felt that God was about to do something unique and wonderful through the unity expressed in the day. Where the brethren dwell together in unity, there the Lord commands a blessing; They shall know that they are my disciples because they love one another. Joy may be full.


justine said…
This looks so cool! I wish I was there!