Meeting the others ...

Iringa is well in the south of Tanzania. A beautiful part of the country, well-elevated at 1575 metres, with beautiful rock formations and close to the Isimila Stone Age Site, which is known for masses of stone tools eroding out of a dry lake bed.
We met for 4 days with the national Vineyard leaders, accompanied by three friends from the Port Elizabeth Vineyard in South Africa.
We had a great time of worship, teaching and fun.
The trip itself was an experience and a half. From Arusha, we had the choice of heading straight south through the capital, Dodoma, or twice the distance on tarmac towards the coast and back inland. We did both!
We took the rough road on the way there, overnighted in Kondoa, where we dropped off an Australian pastor. Morning in Kondoa saw the first of our 3 flat tires in one day!
The long trip back was smoother but not as interesting by a long shot.
Next year we'll return - thanks for the hospitality guys & beautiful African Vineyard worship!
