Belated early morning musings from East Africa ..

(a few days old)

Hakuna matata kwa sababu Mungu ni mwema! (No worries because God is good!)

I’ve been up since 4.30am, glad for the power being on, enabling me to read my devotions online, put finishing touches to our church Field Manual and catch up with the news of the amazing 7th innings between the Blue Jays and Texas!

All in all a great, albeit early start to the day.

To think there was a time when I was nervous about coming to Africa!!! The thought of leaving the safety of the known, to embark on an unpredictable adventure was quite daunting. But we’d waited 26 years since Judi and I had independently received our call to missions!
The specific call, however, was something I did resist. For some reason I was expecting it to be different. My missional call goes back to when I was eight or nine, having watched Nate Saint’s story .. the Amazon beckoned!
When I finally got the green light, I didn’t expect it to be pastoring... but what an amazing adventure it's turned out to be!

(I’ve just made a pot of coffee, our favorite dark roast from our local coffee plantation - $10 US a kg -  that's something I didn't get to do in Aus/Canada.!)

I look out the kitchen window and the chickens, ducks and guinea-fowl spot me from a distance and come running, expecting some scraps, which they invariably get.
Oops .. a mongoose takes out one of our guinea-fowl. So sad and so VERY annoying!!!  
Well ..  it’ll not be wasted,  our workers will have a nice roast tonight. :(  
